Title Clearing Services in Puerto Rico – A brief description

The term “clearing services” is not commonly used in Puerto Rico when referring to a real estate transaction.  As a matter of fact, unless one is deeply submerge in real estate transactions which are handled in the English language, the term is not used at all.

In Spanish, we do use the term “título limpio” which stands for “clean title.”  We also use the term “limpiar el título” which translates as “cleaning the title.”  I am being literal: “limpio” in Spanish is “clean” in English.

Having noted the differences, the end result is the same:  A title which allows the new owner to properly records his/her title, and also grants him or her the opportunity to secure a loan to be guaranteed with a mortgage.

Clearing a title is normally seen as a legal task here in Puerto Rico.  This viewpoint derives from the inevitable reality that (in Puerto Rico) the correct recording of a title falls upon the shoulders of the notary, and in Puerto Rico only a lawyer can become certified as a notary.

For purposes of this article, I am going to give you an example which I hope anyone reading this article can relate to.

Imagine that your car would not start one morning.  The car has been behaving greatly.  I had this happened to me about a week ago.  I had been travelling from Clearwater, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia, then to Enterprise, Alabama and back to Clearwater in a period of 5 days.  The car had been behaving greatly.  The day after I completed the trip the car would not start.

Now, this car was a loaned to me by a good friend in Clearwater, but my friend was in California at the time.  I could not reach him and I did not know what to do.  I wanted to have the car handled, and I wanted to make sure that I delivered the car back to my friend in perfect condition.  Nevertheless, since it was not my car and I am not a mechanic, I did not know what to do to resolve the situation.

I then decided to call the car dealer who had sold the car to my friend.  The customer service person provided me with all the information on what I needed to do to handle the situation.  By the end of the day, the car had been fixed, my friend was informed and I happened to return the car in a better condition than what it was when I received it.

When the car faltered I was in a condition of “not-knowing” what to do to handle the situation.  At that point in time I was stuck, meaning that I could not make progress.  I then figured out a way to find someone who knew what needed to be done.

What I described above is the same situation one can find himself with regards to title clearing services in Puerto Rico: not knowing what to do, an entity or an individual can find itself in a no-progress condition or, worst, may even decide not to benefit from doing business in Puerto Rico at all.

Someone who knows how to properly clear a title pursuant to the stringent demands of Puerto Rico Law, can have that title efficiently cleared, hence granting the parties the opportunity to close on their transaction.  Once the transaction is closed under the watchful eye of the lawyer/notary, the lien release process can be executed, that being the subject of another post on this blog.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this subject, or if any ideas come to mind with regards to performing real estate closings in Puerto Rico.  My e-mail address is SLampon@LamponLaw.com at your service.  Remember that your questions also give me ideas for future articles.

Very truly yours,

Santiago F. Lampón

Prenuptial Agreements under Puerto Rico Law

Prenuptial agreements under Puerto Rico Law have very stringent requirements, which when absent nullify most if not all prenuptial agreements done outside of Puerto Rico.

A prenuptial agreement in Puerto Rico requires that it be done through a public deed executed before a notary public in Puerto Rico.  The contents and format of the deed are very specific.  Any deviation from the requirements and the agreement would be ineffective.

A prenuptial agreement in Puerto Rico must completed be done BEFORE the couple is formally married.  Once the couple is married, and agreement cannot be created, any agreement cannot be change and not even corrected.  If the agreement is incorrect in anyway, once the ceremony is held and the vows are exchanged, the agreement is what it is.

As a notary, I have had the opportunity to work with many prenuptial agreements.  At times, I have had situations in which partner decided to engage separate counsel to review the agreement and propose changes before its execution.

If you or someone you know with ties to Puerto Rico is getting married and a prenuptial agreement is part of the equation, make sure that a Puerto Rico notary becomes involved; and of course before they walk down that isle.


Santiago F. Lampón

Adverse Possesion Claims – A note about “possesion”

I present to you a new video on the subject of adverse possession.  In this video, I focus on an aspect of adverse possession claims in Puerto Rico which is easily misunderstood.  As an additional note, you may also read my recent article on this subject here.

I hope you enjoy the video and the article, and always remember that you may post questions or comments on this or other subjects.

The Form of Deeds in Puerto Rico

Dear Vieques Law Subscriber:

I have adventured into the area of using videos to communicate various aspects of law in Puerto Rico.    I found that through a video I am able to present some examples and additional information which I am not able to do through an article.  This video will give you a taste of such an accomplishment.

I do want to note that this is my first attempt, and I am sure I will improve the overall quality as I do more of these.  Hopefully you will still enjoy it and find it useful.

You may post comments about the video (or anything else for that matter) here in Vieques Law Blog, or directly in the video channel the link will take you to.

Very truly yours,

Santiago F. Lampón